When asked, most people are seeking Hope, Joy, and Peace in their lives, and in the world around them. Yet, so many people struggle with frustrations in life’s circumstances, feelings of hopelessness, depression, anger, etc.
There are people who care. We can offer FREE One-to-One biblical counseling and help for many circumstances, (A man to help and counsel men, and a woman to help and counsel women). We can offer a compassionate friend to walk with you through many of your circumstances coaching and helping where possible.
We know that people need someone to listen to them, love them, and someone to lean on at times. If you need to speak with someone, you can email us here, or ring now at 087-785 7926.
Pregnant? Unsure what to do? Scared to tell someone? Post-Abortion Counselling. Compassionate, empathetic help.
Postpartum Depression? Baby Blues? Over stressed? Need Baby Help and Advise?
Unsure if You are Able to Parent? Parenting Classes, Coaching, One to One Advice.
Depressed? Frustrated with Life’s Circumstances? Suicide? Feelings of Hopelessness and Loneliness?
Premarital Counselling. Things to Consider. How to find your Life’s Mate God’s Way.
Marriage Counselling. Family Issues and Difficulties.
Now the God of HOPE fill you with all JOY and PEACE in believing,
that ye may abound in HOPE, through the power of the Holy Ghost.
Romans 15:13